HockeyLab Skatemill

Key Advantages

Designed specially for hockey players
Allow hockey players to improve their technique and train target muscle groups.
Skate mill stride assessment
A mill assessment will help analyze everything about a players stride and efficiency on ice. Each assessment will come with a full breakdown of areas that need improvement. This same assessment will also be taken into consideration when forming a strength/mobility program.
Extremely effective training
The skatemill can provide a much harder workout than conventional ice. Here a player can develop a speed much higher than on the rink because the rink has physical limits. Besides, the trainee can repeat the exercise much more frequently. All this makes every minute of training more efficient.
Recording and analysis
The player’s movements are recorded with the front and side cameras for further analysis.
Hockey Lab
Training Session

Benefits for different levels

Beginner Athletes
  • Easier to learn how to skate with the drop-down bar to hold onto and professional instruction
  • Safer to learn how to skate with a safety harness to catch the skater if they fall.
  • Video analyses help players to see their mistakes in skating.
Intermediate Athletes
  • Higher repetition on the skating treadmill creates faster gains and better muscle memory and retention than on ice; players will be able to learn new skills faster and apply them to game situations sooner.
  • Forces players to work harder than on ice due to increased friction of treadmill surface versus ice and constant force of treadmill moving against the skater.
  • Skatemill forces players to stride perfectly every time. Any skating inefficiencies will be exposed very quickly.
Advanced Athletes
  • Video analyses help fine-tune any inefficiencies that will make big differences on the ice.
  • Challenges multi-tasking abilities essential for the professional game.
  • Great for off-season training or rehabilitation after an injury.


Intro Package – $225

Great for first-time users! 3 sessions are included that will cover

Session 1- Intro, Safety, Warmups

Session 2- First workout

Session 3- Full skate assessment + video analysis

Packages- Assessments done after 5 sessions

Single Session $85.00

Package of 5 $400.00

Package of 10 $750.00

Custom pricing available for Family and Groups


We are now taking Bookings


3600  Townline Road, 4th Floor Abbotsford BC
Canada, V2T 5W8

**Private Entrance – Please Contact before first session

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